Helping Wounded Veterans

In our ongoing efforts to help rebuild peace and promote ethnic harmony after the war in Sri Lanka, we have once again reached out to help wounded veterans. There are so many young men who have lost arms, legs, hearing or vision as a result of the war. The government, as well as individual citizens, should continue to support these men and women to help them regain their status as productive members of society.

We are delighted to have been able to provide four computers to the Vocational Training Programs for Wounded Veterans. I was able to meet the veterans in three separate locations and personally handed the computers over to them. One computer was donated in Settikulam, another in Kekaliya and two others at the Saliyapura Rehabilitation Center.

Adam, my personal assistant in Princeton, has spent a lot of time not only coordinating these projects, but refurbishing and shipping the computers to Sri Lanka. It was definitely a lot of work for him. I am especially thankful to Adam and to the donor of the computers. This year we have donated about 20 computers for various worthy causes and are planning many more for donation in 2010.