All Humanitarian Projects

Feeding the Refugees

As of the end of January we have given over five thousand meals to the hungry. We will keep looking for families and refugees in the camps who are not getting the government help in time or getting too little help from the government and provide meals for them. These people have lost everything and…

Health Care and Medical Equipment

Through my health care contacts, we are constantly assessing the needs of hospitals and clinics in order to provide the most useful medical equipment and instruments. On Monday the 7th of february we donated a heart monitor and essential medicines to Kalmnai hospital. The heart monitor if brand new will be worth about US $12,000.…

Scholarship Programs

So Far in our tsunami relief efforts, 250 girls have received uniforms. Currently we are preparing for about two hundred more uniforms. We have also provided school books and basic school supplies to 25 affected children. The kits included backpacks, a dozen books, pens & pencils, rulers, math instruments, and erasers. We are also expanding…

Memorial Services

Spiritual counseling and religious rituals can be of great help to heal the pain and relieve the anxiety of so much suffering. Monks and religious laity have helped people for thousands of years. We the Buddhist monks, take our responsibilities seriously and devote our attention and time to provide comfort, healing and counsel for the…

Attending to Trauma Counseling and Spiritual Needs

Many lives has been shattered by Tsunami, The ripple effect of the emotional impact of tsunami is still touching many people in Sri Lanka. Those who helplessly watched there loved ones getting swept way by the current of tsunami. Those who collected thousands of dead bodies and berried in mass graves, those who lost every…

School Reconstruction and Child Protection Services

Education and Child Services have always been a special focus for me. Even as much of the costal country remains in ruins, people are beginning to return to their villages and schools. Some schools have begun to open in make shift facilities, because though many school buildings have been destroyed or are being used for…

Water Purification

Water is essential to sustain life. When we do not have clean drinking water our lives are at risk. Especially when the tsunami disaster happened many clean drinking water facilities ware polluted and destroyed. To prevent disease and or the health and well being of the costal communities we need to pay special attention in…

Reconstruction and Building New Homes

Rebuilding and renovation will be an ongoing effort for a long time to come. Many government and non government organizations has already started building houses. We The Triple Gem Society will do its part and participate with best efforts to provide houses for those lost their homes. We have committed to helping, through local resources,…