News and Announcements

Speaking at Unity Church of the Triangle

November 6, 2011 Bhante Wimala visited Unity Church of Triangle in Raleigh, North Carolina. He gave the sermon at both of Sunday services at 9am and 11am. He also gave a seminar in the afternoon on “Progress and Stages of Spiritual Transformation.” Bhante Traveled to Raleigh, North Carolina accepting an invitation from the minister of…

Stupa Renovation

In March 2012 we started renovation of the Stupa Shrine of the temple. This is the first time major renovation work has been done since the opening of the temple in 1999. We are planning to complete work in time for the Vesak celebration in May of 2012. The costly project was sponsored by Mr.…

Instead of wishing you “a happy new year”, I want to wish you something else for 2012.

Happiness As “happy new year” sound rings all around you, I would like to share a few thoughts that will help you to bring a bit more happiness to your life in this new year. One of the most important things to remember is that your happiness depends on your state of mind and your…

Greetings and Blessings from Bangkok, Thailand

Dear Friends and Students,  Greetings and Blessings from Bangkok, Thailand.  The monsoon rain has devastated Thailand. So far more than 300 people are reported to have died from the flood. The floodwater has caused billions of dollars’ worth of damage. Many provinces of Thailand are still under water.  The past few days I have experienced…

Sacred Relic Tour, Kenya

Maitreya Project “Heart Shrine Relic Tour” arrived in Nairobi, Kenya on the 6th of July. A special shrine was set up in Sanathana Dharma Temple in Nairobi. Thousands of participants including people of all faiths and nationalities congregated and viewed the sacred relic while receiving blessings. Bhante Wimala led the opening ceremony with mediation and…

Quality Education for Sustainable Development

Bhante Wimala participated in the “Prize Giving and Education Day” organized by the Langata district Board of the Ministry of Education in Nairobi, Kenya on July 15, 2011. He and the Triple Gem Society East Africa President, Mr. H. Dawda, were pleased to present trophies to the top ten students in the Langata district. The…

Piece for Peace

Sri Lanka continues to be haunted by people who are least interested by the immense sufferings experienced by one to two generations of Tamils who do not know another life other than war, conscription to fight government forces, hatred towards the Sinhalese, etc. The fight, prosecution attempts, rhetoric continues at the UN, at the Western government fronts, Human Rights Councils, etc while street wisdom dictates that these people need assistance to restart their lifes, livelihoods, and build bridges between the Sinhalese and Tamils by more exchanges, communication between both communities and overcoming the language barrier through cultural programs, sports, student exchanges, compulsory joint student leadership trainings, etc.

Bhante Wimala Attends Middle East Leadership Conference

Bhante Wimala Participated in the International Conference “Devine winds of Freedom, New Opportunities and New Responsibilities for the Middle East.” Seventeen nations were represented in Istanbul, Turkey from May 6 ? 8, 2011 to discuss the new era of Middle East peace, sustainable development, and Challenges of Transitions. Universal Peace Federation organized and sponsored the…